About SafetyLight

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SafetyLight LLC is owned and operated by Brian Myers in Portland, Oregon.

Brian Myers (PhD, CISSP, CCSK)

Headshot of Brian Myers

With nine years of leadership experience in information security and over twenty years on software development teams, Brian is well positioned to help your company create secure products and meet compliance goals. Having filled a broad range of roles—developer, project manager, product manager, development director, security architect, security director, and senior consultant—Brian understands the challenges each team faces and the need for their security controls to be efficient as well as effective.

Brian started as a software developer working for Borland International and then Netscape. Later he established the first application security team at WorkBoard, a hypergrowth Silicon Valley startup. As the HIPAA Security Officer at WebMD Health Services, he helped the company achieve and maintain a HITRUST certification. As a consultant he has helped companies with SOC 2, HIPAA, secure design, and secure development.

Brian wrote three of the first books on Windows programming. Links to some of his more recent articles and presentations are on LinkedIn.
